UYIK-2024 Kongre Kitabı yayınlanmıştır. Kongre kitabına https://www.uyik.org/uploads/uyik--2024-proceeding-book.pdf adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz. Katılımcıların özet ve tam metinlerinde gördükleri eksikliklerin giderilmesi için 07.07.2024 tarihine kadar lutfi.bayyurt@gmail.com adresine ulaşmaları gerekmektedir.

International Applied Statistics Congress

Dear scientists,


We are pleased to share with you the announcement of the fifth International Congress of Applied Statistics (UYIK-2024), which aims to contribute to the understanding and use of applied statistics in various disciplines, to honor scientists who have contributed to science and to support young academics.


The congress aims to bring together researchers using statistical science in all disciplines, contribute to the scientific development of researchers, and create a strong solidarity environment in the national and international arena with the cooperation and support of different universities. In order to contribute to the academic development of young researchers, free courses will be given by experienced researchers during the congress. In addition, UYIK is organized every year in memory of one of our esteemed professors who contributed to the field of statistics.


UYIK-2023 was organized in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina with the participation of researchers from 11 different countries.


This year, the 5th International Congress of Applied Statistics (UYIK-2024), organized on behalf of author, economist, academician Alev ALATLI, will be held in Istanbul between 21-23 May 2024 in a hybrid (online and face-to-face), hosted by Marmara University in cooperation with Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, Marmara University and Selçuk University.


We invite researchers from all disciplines who use statistical methods in their scientific studies to our congress and we would like to state that we will be happy to welcome you at Marmara University between 21-23 May 2024.


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